I am soooo tired and full of dust, but I want to post a few pix of the day. I hear the wine was great. "Girls are meaner" seems to be a favorite. I don't drink.......Alcohol and I don't mix!! My first swallow is great. I get all warm and I think "why don't I drink every day...This is awesome..I love this"" I'm the life of the party.. I'm a riot for about 3 minuets.....but I always take that second drink, and as John Cougar Meloncamp says "it all comes tumbling down"! The room is spinning, I'm nauseous and ready for bed. I have never been able to finish a beer! Sooo no wine for me! But I had a great time watching everyone else enjoy the wine!.
A shot of the crowd watching the Grape Stomp. I couldn't get close because I could not leave my booth.
A really bad dark shot of my booth
Susan Lenart Kazmer Inspired necklace on a bust.
Over the summer I took a class from SLK. She taught a technique on using ribbon in jewelry. I bought some elk antler buttons some time ago. (antlers found and sold by The Boy Scouts) I could not figure out how to incorperate them into my jewelry until her class. I decided to use them as a sort of cap for the ribbon and gem stones.
the necklace is to long to fit in my light box.
closeup of the gem stones. I used rough garnet, a carnelian carved flower, some really cool mexican opal and some red stone (may be quartz)
I made some bead caps from sterling silver and stamped words on them
Shot of the "southwestern" display
Shot of the "blue" display
The proud owner of a pair of kyanite, white topaz and leather earrings. She was so nice. She loved these earrings and wore them out of the booth. I love making jewelry that women love. For me, that's what it is all about. I love being able to making a connection with others through art. I know how much I love my jewelry collection and how I feel when I get to wear a great piece of jewelry. (like my SLK necklaces!) and it always makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know that my jewelry will do that for someone else.